CJA Marine(65) 6281 1986 / 7(66) 02 6811793-5 (84) 86567 8022
CJA Marine
CJA Marine Services
Marine Warranty Surveys

Marine Warranty Surveys

A Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) provides independent third-party review and approval of high value and/or high risk marine construction and transportation projects, from the planning to the execution .


CJA  acts as Marine Warranty Surveyor either on behalf of underwriters and their assureds, or for self-insured clients. Our marine surveyors have the expertise in every possible marine environment – including deepwater projects at depths .From single voyage approvals right through to major offshore energy projects, CJA have the knowledge to ensure that risks are minimised.


In order to assist  our clients understand Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) requirements, CJA have our own Guidelines for Marine Operations.  .   With CJA ‘s international network of offices, our marine surveyors can work with you wherever your project is based.